
Professional Development Policies

Event Registration
Registration is required to attend NwOESC professional development. Event registration is completed online via our third-party registration site, EventBrite. Events are not publicly searchable through the EventBrite website, so a direct link is required to access registration. In most cases, the link to register will be listed on the NwOESC Events Calendar. If you have problems registering or need to cancel your event registration, please email us or call (567) 444-4809.

Cost & Eligibility
NwOESC professional development is free (unless otherwise noted) to public school districts within Defiance, Fulton, Henry and Williams counties in Ohio. Attendance for staff from non-member districts may be arranged by contacting the Professional Development office directly. In some cases, NwOESC may choose to limit attendance to member districts only. Workshops for ODE initiatives follow state guidelines for registration fees.

Parking & Check-in
Parking is free. Look for the large clock! Generally, participants are encouraged to arrive early to get settled and check-in. NwOESC front doors open at 8:00 a.m. 

Inclement Weather
NwOESC will attempt to hold all events as scheduled, despite the delay or closure of area schools. In the event of severe inclement weather (typically a Level 2 or Level 3 Snow Emergency in Fulton County) or other emergencies, NwOESC may cancel an event. Events sponsored by other organizations sometimes proceed despite inclement weather. Whenever possible, all cancellations will be posted to the NwOESC website and an email with the event status sent to registrants.

Low Enrollment
The NwOESC makes every effort to hold events as scheduled, but reserves the right to cancel workshops based on low enrollment. Notification of cancellations will be sent to registrants via email and posted to the NwOESC website. A cancelled session may be rescheduled or replaced with a new session; in this case, it is the responsibility of the participant to register for the new session.

Certificates of Attendance
Registration is required to receive a Certificate of Attendance. Upon completion of an NwOESC workshop, registrants will be issued a Certificate of Attendance that lists the description and contact hours earned for that event. The certificate is sent as a downloadable link within a SurveyMonkey event survey within approximately 48 hours of the event. The NwOESC is an approved CPE (Continuing Professional Education) credit sponsor with the Accountancy Board of Ohio.

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Never miss another PD opportunity again by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. This is the best way to keep updated on all offerings. Or, subscribe to our NwOESC Events Calendar and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Andy Hunter
State Initiatives (OTES, OPES, OSCES, Value Added, Gifted Education)
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development
(567) 444-4800, ext. 4649

Jill Gilliland
CPI, IEPs, Special Education
Director of Special Education
(567) 444-4800, ext. 4660

Michelle Hollstein
General PD questions, Registrations & Cancellations, Certificates of Attendance
Administrative Assistant, Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development
(567) 444-4809

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