

Requisitions/Purchase Orders

Online Requisitions
Welcome to the online requisition system.  It allows you to submit paperless requisitions and for online approval by supervisors and administrators.  Click the requisition link below to begin a requisition.  Requisition instructions are found in the Google Drive under Northwest Ohio ESC - Documents & Forms>Business Office> Purchasing & Payments.  Should you have any questions please contact Mikala Carpenter in the Business Office.

When you have a need for supplies, equipment, services, or other payments on behalf of NwOESC, you’ll need to complete a requisition form. After approval by your supervisor, director/superintendent, and treasurer, you will receive a verification purchase order copy from the payables accountant. This form not only signals that the order has been placed on your behalf, but it is also what you will use to check in your supplies once they arrive. The verification form is to be returned to the Business Office once all of your materials have been received. For more detailed instructions, please see our Business Office Guide document.


Regular Travel
If you wish to claim mileage for travel within the four county area of Defiance, Fulton, Henry, and Williams counties use the Travel Reimbursement Form. You can also claim parking or turnpike tolls on this form. Indicate the date and number of miles per day with a brief narrative of the travel including beginning and ending points. For more detailed instructions, please see our Business Office Guide document.  Please do not submit multiple months at a time—Submit expenses for each month, immediately after each month ends.

Professional Travel 
To claim any travel expenses outside the four county area of Defiance, Fulton, Henry, and Williams counties or for costs beyond mileage, parking, and turnpike tolls use the Professional Meeting Reimbursement Form. This form has an approval request portion at the top and a claim form on the bottom. You must get approval from your supervisor prior to your travel taking place. You will also need to request your professional leave absence in Red Rover if a substitute is needed to fill your absence. If the original is not returned to you prior to the event date, contact your NwOESC supervisor to make sure your travel has been approved. Use the original form to claim reimbursement after your travel takes place. Return the original form with all detailed, original receipts attached to your monthly travel reimbursement to the payables/receivables accountant. For more detailed instructions, please see our Business Office Guide document.

Travel Direct Deposit Form
Those with frequent reimbursements or payments are encouraged to use this payment option to save time, postage, and handling costs.  While this process is similar to payroll direct deposit there are some differences. Only a single checking or savings can be used. Please remember that closing a checking account used for electronic payments without completing a new form will result in a delay while the ACH network returns the payment when no active account is available to deposit funds into. For more detailed instructions, please see our Business Office Guide document.

Multi-Purchase Cards

If you are participating in NwOESC’s Multi-Purchase Card Program, you are required to keep all receipts for goods and services purchased. To facilitate the reconciliation process, the cardholder must retain all charge slips, cash register receipts, packing slips, etc. Within 5 days of receiving the monthly card activity statement, the cardholder will compare the sales receipts to the statement. You must then attach the original receipts to the statement and a Multi Purchase Card Receipt Form and forward on to the payables/receivables accountant.  A photocopy of the receipts for the month, statement, and Multi Purchase Card Receipt Form should be forwarded to your supervisor for review.  Failure to keep all original receipts, timely submission of receipts and statements to the payables accountant or repeatedly allowing tax charges on purchases may result in the revocation of charge privileges.  In those cases, reimbursement from petty cash is the alternative.

Petty Cash

A petty cash fund exists to facilitate small purchases of $35 or less.  You should contact the Business Office to discuss each purchase before the purchase is made. They will give you guidance as to the appropriate use of the fund for a contemplated expense.  It will make things easier for all concerned when the details are worked out first.  You should also ask your supervisor about the purchase and obtain their approval. You will be asked if you’ve done that.  After the purchase you’ll complete a reimbursement request form to indicate the amount to be reimbursed and give the explanation of use.  If you exceeded the limit of $35 you have two choices—you can either submit a requisition with an explanation that you exceeded the $35 petty cash limit or you can request to be reimbursed up to the $35 limit with the additional cost being yours.  The funds for any return of an item reimbursed from a petty cash fund must be repaid immediately after the refund.  Requests for reimbursement should be submitted to the payables/receivables accountant within 2 weeks of the purchase date.

Activity Information Sheets

NwOESC employees coordinating activities involving funds coming in as donations or from invoices to cover the cost of the program, complete an activity information sheet and forward it to the Business Office, after approval from their supervisor.  If you do not already have accounts for the activity, please request them when you submit the form.
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