
Superintendent/Treasurer Searches

Search Services

The most important decision any school board will likely ever make is to choose a new district Superintendent or Treasurer. The Superintendent serves as the district’s key leader and interacts regularly with the school board and other school district stakeholders, conducts the daily operations of the school district, and is ultimately responsible for the school district’s results. The Treasurer serves as the lead fiscal manager and advisor in the district, providing sound financial guidance and management of resources and assets. Therefore, finding the right Superintendent or Treasurer is a task of utmost importance. Northwest Ohio ESC offers Superintendent and Treasurer Search services to member districts for a nominal cost. Contact Kerri Weir, NwOESC Superintendent at [email protected] or 567-444-4795 for more information.

SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH (none at this time)

TREASURER SEARCH (none at this time)

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