

Volunteers in our classrooms must complete the appropriate paperwork and be approved by the Northwest Ohio ESC prior to spending any time with students or in our classrooms. The following people are considered to be volunteers.

  • Student Teachers: Student teachers will also need to be board approved.
  • College Students: This includes students doing practicum, methods, observations, and any college student spending any time in our classrooms or schools.
  • Volunteers: Anyone who is asked to volunteer in our classrooms on an on-going basis. One example is Project More at the IEC.

Exceptions: If a parent, guardian, or family member is accompanying the class on a field trip or visiting the class, these people should check in at the school office as a visitor. They do not need to complete the above forms. However, if guardian or family member is volunteering on an ongoing basis, he/she should complete all the volunteer forms and background checks.

All volunteers, including student teachers, college students, and classroom volunteers, need to complete required paperwork and background checks PRIOR to beginning in any Northwest Ohio ESC classroom. There are 3 forms that a volunteer needs to complete: Emergency Medical; Non-Employee Release Form; Intern/Observer/Volunteer Application.

Volunteers also need to submit background checks (BCI and FBI) prior to spending any time with students and in classrooms. The background checks must have been completed within the last 365 days to be considered current. The Northwest Ohio ESC offers background checks Tuesday – Thursday from 12:00 – 4:00 or by appointment Monday - Friday from 8:00 – 4:00 by calling 567.444.4800. Click the link following for more information:

Background Checks

All forms must be submitted to Jackie Fouty, Special Education Office Specialist. Feel free to email or call (567) 444-4808 x4667. 

Student teachers: The university student teacher supervisor, student teacher, and NWOESC teacher will be notified when the student teacher is approved. No student teacher should begin their time in the classroom until this notification occurs. 

All other volunteers: The Special Education Department will notify the appropriate NWOESC staff members when the volunteer is approved. Volunteers should begin their time in classrooms only after approval occurs. 

No volunteers should begin their assignment before being notified that they are approved. 

Northwest Ohio ESC
Attn: Special Education Department 
205 Nolan Parkway 
Archbold, OH 43502
© 2025. Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center. All Rights Reserved.
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